Archive 2024

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Viking Mission - Cyberweek


Vikings⚔️⚔️⚔️ New Vikings - Mission ⚔️⚔️⚔️

The choices are not Easy - Medium - Difficult but Cards 🃏 - Try 💊 - Token 🪙
Now everyone has to decide for themselves and their Account whether they would rather receive a Joker together with a new Diamond Card and 2 Gold Cards at the end or whether they would rather go for Spins Spin or whether they say to themselves that they don't care about Gold Cards and Spins, I'd rather try Tokens.
Special thanks go to Chris Chelvier for providing us with this Information.
20k Viking Token Mission with Extra Rewards
11.92 Trillion55 Billion + 2k Spins + 280k XP + 30% Setblast
2675 Billion15 Billion + 225k XP + Magic Box
33.47 Trillion65 Billion + 2k Spins + 425k XP + Blue Box ( 1.5k - 3.5k )
4660 Billion on the Wheel35 Billion + 275k XP + Eventbox
53.82 Trillion85 Billion + 4.6k Spins + Suitcase Pinata ( 300-1.1k )
67.13 Trillion on the Wheel2 Tokens + 800k XP + Pinata ( 500 - 2k )
712.36 Trillion200 Billion + 500k XP
823.35 Trillion18.5k Spins + Eventbox + Ultra Attack
912.05 Trillion on the WheelGold Card + 5k Spins + 200% Coin Madness + 1.7 Million XP
1048.09 Trillion20k Spins + 3 Tokens - Token chest ( 5 - 12 Tokens ) - Red Hammer - 1k Spins


60k Viking Token Mission with Extra Rewards
11.92 Trillion55 Billion + 2k Spins + 280k XP + 30% Setblast
2675 Billion15 Billion + 225k XP + Magic Box
33.47 Trillion65 Billion + 2k Spins + 425k XP + Blue Box ( 1.5k - 3.5k )
4660 Billion on the Wheel35 Billion + 275k XP + Eventbox
53.82 Trillion85 Billion + 4.6k Spins + Suitcase Pinata ( 300 - 1.1k )
65.1 Trillion on the Wheel11.5k Spins + 800k XP + Pinata (500-2k)
77.73 Trillion200 Billion + 500k XP
814.09 Trillion18.5k Spins + Eventbox + Ultra Attack
97.98 Trillion on the WheelGold Card + 5k Spins + 200% Coin Madness + 1.7 Million XP
1029.58 (40) Trillion60k Spins + Blue Box ( 1.5k - 3.5k ) + Rhino Chest + Shell Chest + Reindeer Chest


40k Viking Token Mission with Extra Rewards
11.92 Trillion55 Billion + 2k Spins + 280k XP + 30% Setblast
2675 Billion15 Billion + 225k XP + Magic Box
33.47 Trillion65 Billion + 2k Spins + 425k XP + Blue Box ( 1.5k - 3.5k )
4660 Trillion on the Wheel35 Billion + 275k XP + Eventbox
53.82 Trillion85 Billion + 4.6k Spins + Suitcase Pinata ( 300-1.1k )
65.1 Trillion on the Wheel3.5k Spins + 800k XP + Black Friday Box
77.73 TrillionGold Card
814.09 Trillion18.5k Spins + Eventbox + Ultra Attack
97.98 Trillion on the WheelGold Card + 5k Spins + 200% Coin Madness + 1.7 Million XP
1029.58 TrillionGold Card + 40k Spins + Joker + Royal Joker Chest + Diamond Card