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  Why don't I receive Push Notifications or incorrect Messages?


This can have several reasons. We have tried to give you a few possible reasons here:

  •  You have deactivated the App's Push Notifications
  1. Open the Settings App.
  2. Control the Apps section.
  3. Call up the Application here for which you want to switch off Push Notifications.
  4. Scroll down to the App Settings section.
  5. Here you will find the option Notifications.
  6. Slide the slider at Show Notifications to the left.
  7. You will no longer receive pop-ups on your screen from this Application. To be informed about news, you have to open the App.
  8. Alternatively, you can switch off only certain Push Notifications from this App in the Categories area.
  • I receive a Push Notification for an Event that is not available for me

It is possible that you may receive a Notification that, for example, there is currently a bonus madness going on, but this is not visible to you. This is because Coinmaster sometimes makes these types of “Events” heavily account dependent and is available on one Account and not on the other. But we have no influence on this.

  • Despite the event, I don't receive any Notification about it or I only get it much too late
  1. See point -> "You have disabled the App's Push Notifications"
  2. It can also happen that you do not receive a Notification about an "Event", even though all the settings in your cell phone are correct, but you will normally always be notified. This is simply because we have a Push Team, but they also have a private life and support the whole thing on a voluntary basis and therefore cannot be in the Game 24/7 and always "notice" every Event on time.
  3. The same as in point 2 also applies if a Push Notification arrives at the Event but is delayed. For example, Reward Madness starts at 6:00 p.m. but you won't receive a message until 6:30 p.m.
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